“Oh he has hearing aids?”
My father has been in the hospital for the past month with congestive
Now is the time to HEAR BETTER as we start preparing for all of the fun summer events. Weddings, communions, barbecues, golf and beach! Being outdoors can be difficult for those
Now is the time to HEAR BETTER as we start preparing for all of the fun summer events. Weddings, communions, barbecues, golf and beach! Being outdoors can be difficult for those
Now is the time to HEAR BETTER as we start preparing for all of the fun summer events. Weddings, communions, barbecues, golf and beach! Being outdoors can be difficult for those
My father has been in the hospital for the past month with congestive
About nine years ago, I had a bad sinus infection and the ENT I worked
At sound Audiology we have our own philosophy about this question. Each
Don’t bother telling dad, he can’t hear anyway….. Do you
Holiday season is around the corner, and this is the time that all of our
We are happy to announce that Donna Rubino will be practicing